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Smart Home self-installation preferred

People want to quite literally take their smart home technology installation in-house, according to a new survey from GfK Research. The firm found that 52% of consumers prefer to install smart home products themselves. “We cannot say right now if the desire for self-sufficiency is driven by cost or a true independent streak – but it is definitely a marketplace force to be reckoned with,” Tom Neri, Commercial Director for Tech & Durables at GfK, said in a press release. “Device makers and service providers alike need to work harder to collaborate and pave the way for seamless installation and service; reflexive siloed behavior will only drag down acceptance and yield poor word of mouth from amateur technicians.”

Read more: http://www.telecompetitor.com/gfk-smart-home-self-installation-preferred-by-52-of-u-s-consumers/


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