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    • June


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    Smart Home self-installation preferred

    People want to quite literally take their smart home technology installation in-house, according to a new survey from GfK Research. The firm found that 52% of consumers prefer to install smart home products themselves. “We cannot say right now if the desire for self-sufficiency is driven by cost or a true independent streak – but

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    Savant releases new version of home automation software

    Savant has announced the release of version 8.8, bringing more personalisation options. Savant states that products and features introduced as part of the software rollout have been created to “enhance functionality” for users by creating a more “intuitive smart home environment” that brings value to the integrator. Part of Savant’s IP Audio device range, Savant

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    Crestron control and management system in a hotel

    The Mondrian Doha hotel attracts affluent travellers with its up-all-night vibe. The guest experience is intensified thanks to the comprehensive Crestron hospitality solution. As soon as a guest steps into their hotel room, they are greeted with calming lights, relaxing music and automated shades that perfectly frame the beautiful exterior views. Guests can easily adjust

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    Smart Home helping disabled

    Smart home technology can be a great convenience, but is particularly valuable to those with disabilities. We recently heard blind people talk about the life-changing nature of things like Apple’s Siri and VoiceOver, and one 9to5Mac reader has now told us how he uses smart home tech to help keep a disabled family member safe.

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    Los Angeles’ biggest construction permits approved

    Developers secured $398 million in construction permits to build the five largest projects in the Los Angeles. Sprawling multifamily projects in West Adams, Downtown Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley largely dominated the top five. Here are the biggest construction permits, issued in May by the L.A. Department of Building and Safety. Only commercial

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    Solar mandate could change California home building

    California’s new residential solar mandate could change the look of new homes and solar panels themselves. California Energy Commission adopted regulations that will require electricity-producing solar panels on most new homes in 2020. Although any type of roof can accommodate panels, some designs are more solar-friendly. A basic gable roof with a large south-facing slope

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